Did you find yourself struggling about your beauty? Do you feel uneasy applying certain kinds of blush-on or something? Just to be straight, do you feel ugly having dry skin, pale skin tone, full of wrinkles? Do you find it enjoying to eat foods that are synthetic or so-called processed foods? If yes, then do you know you are ugly as well as unhealthy at the same time? Do not worry about it we will mention some rescuing tips to save your beauty.
If you are a person who is spending so much money by buying many cosmetic products and just get disappointed by their by-effects? Do you know that putting too much cosmetics on your face can wear-off your face in the long run? It is really bad investing into many expensive items just to make you look beautiful in just a short moment but destroys the real beauty that God made for you forever?
Everyone has his or her own beauty; the problem is we don’t know how to show it or how to pull it out of ourselves and wave it to the world! I will give you tips and tricks on how to improve how you look safer, effective, and lasts even in the long run if maintained.
First, we should tackle about your food. You must eat God-given foods like vegetables and fruits. Quit eating biscuits and cookies you love to buy in department stores. Throw away those stocked junk-foods and foods containing preservatives. You must know what food is. Food is something we hunt or we grow. If we don’t plant it or hunt it, it is not FOOD. Just so you know jute leaves is what keeping Cleopatra beautiful? Yes! You heard it right, Cleopatra always take jute leaves in every meal she eats that is why she is stunningly beautiful. Jute is also called the miracle food it has tons of vitamins and minerals in it. And also you can grow it yourself.
Now we have to talk about your lifestyle. Slacking too much is bad for your beauty too. You should try squeezing some sweat out of your body every morning. Make it a habit going out jogging for 30 minutes every morning, because it can help take out those toxins in our body and it can help strengthen our lungs and our heart.
If you are a person who loves to stay up late at night just watching television, minimize it because it cannot contribute in making you beautiful. First thing comes first (if that is you want to look naturally beautiful). You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, too much is bad. You should keep rituals before bedtime also like stretching your muscles every night; it can help to make your muscles firmer. Stop drinking tea, coffee or soda. They contain some ingredient that may harm our body.
In addition to, you must also be mentally prepared. Remember, we are not just talking about physical appearance here. Maybe it is our main topic but to be beautiful is broad or covers some other aspects in our lives. We should apply positive attitude in all aspect of our life not in beauty alone.
Do you want more tips? Just keep following. I will be posting more of healthy tips soon! Stay tuned and remember to wear a smile every day! Nobody needs our smile other than those who have none to give. Smiling make us look younger.
Eating healthy, live happy and laugh plenty is the secret of living younger.
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